General Entomology
This course provides an introduction to insect biology and evolution. We review the major insect orders and delve hands on into how to spot identify insects, collect specimens and curate them. In addition, we discuss the evolutionary ecology of arthropods and the overall importance of insects to ecosystems. General Entomology often provides a pathway for students to obtain a minor or double major. Lec ~ 150 students; Lab Sections ~ 25 students.

General Biology
An introduction to the chemical processes of life, ecosystem function and genetics. Students learn about the complementary functions of respiration and photosynthesis, how ATP is produced, and processes of genetic recombination and mutation. Critical thinking is enhanced through the development of a group project based on Trudeau's TB experiments on rabbit island. Both face to face and distance learning (DL) formats taught. Lec ~ 100 students; Lab Sections ~ 20 students.

An introduction to evolution and the evolutionary ecology of organisms. Students learn about the processes of natural selection, genetic drift, recombination, and mutation. Critical thinking is enhanced through a group project on virus evolution. Face to face format with online resources. Lec ~ 85 students.

Animal Behavior
An introduction to the behavior of organisms, some of the underlying mechanisms, and the effects of those behaviors. We cover key concepts in understanding behaviors, including those involved in survival, mating and reproduction; along with cooperation and conflict; and interactions within and between species. We discuss the ways that evolution has shaped behaviors, integrating ideas from psychology, economics and genetics. Students learn how to observe animal behavior and develop and ethogram, the different types of behaviors animals have in individual and group settings, and the many factors (such as genetics, environment, and microbial composition) that shape animal behavior. Critical thinking is enhanced through think pair share activities the development of a group project, and in class debate. Face to face format with online resources. Lec ~ 40 students.

Biology II
An introduction to general biology. Face to face format with online resources. Lec ~ 20 students.