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Jocelyn R. Holt

I am interested in insect-plant-microbe interactions, particularly when they are associated with agro-ecosystems. I incorporate analyses of both population genetic and microbial composition to understand how this may modulate pest insect traits and their symbiotic interactions.

Christina Ko

My name is Christina Ko, and I am a rising sophomore at Rice University majoring in Neuroscience on the Pre-Med track. In addition to Neuroscience, I have always been passionate about ecology, environmental science, and biology. Currently, I am working on a project examining the suitability of corn as a host plant for sorghum aphids. I will test out several grass varieties to see which corn varieties are more resistant to the aphids. Through this project, I am excited about potentially helping to prevent pests from eating our food and grow crops more successfully. Aside from partaking in this research, I am also involved at Rice as a Rice Health Advisor and Peer Career Advisor.

Ricardo Castellon

My name is Ricardo Castellon, I’m a senior at Rice University majoring in Biosciences with a concentration in Biochemistry. I am working on a project quantifying aphid growth on multiple grass varieties. This project aims to identify aphid pest behavior beyond currently known host plants. Through this project, I hope to help prevent pest infestation that could affect a wider range of crops than previously thought. Beyond my research, I am a facility manager at Rice’s recreation center.

Former Research Mentees
Benjamin Rosengard - UC San Diego for a Masters of International Affairs
Morgan Fey

Thelyonious Mercy
Annie Huddleston
Jose Torres
Robert Chapa

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